The Department of Chemistry operates a solid-state NMR spectrometer (Bruker Avance DSX 400, room 2224.00.110) equipped with three sample heads (2.5 mm high range 100.0 - 163.0 MHz, 4.0 mm high range 94.0 - 163.0 MHz, and 7.0 mm low range 18.6 - 79.5 MHz).
The instrument offers static and magic angle spinning (MAS) measurements up to 30 kHz for almost all measurable NMR nuclei.
The following sample types are suitable for NMR measurements: Powders (ordered and disordered solid systems), gels, viscous as well as soft matter materials, solutions, etc.
Single-pulse excitation (with or without decoupling) and/or cross-polarization for I=1/2 nuclei ¹H-X are used as standard. Special experiments, 2D, VT (variable temperature), etc. are possible after consultation with the responsible project manager. Simulations of the measured rotational sideband spectra or quadrupole spectra are possible after consultation.